Wednesday 3 June 2009

Equisetum arvense ("Sugina") !

An amazing plant, called "sugina" (in Japanese) was found to have positive effect in controlling blood sugar level if taken regularly, therefore it is recommended for those with health problems such as diabetes or, other problems related to high blood sugar level.   Recent analysis also found its positive effect for treatment of pollen allergy.   

I never actually see the plants myself until last Monday, when i walked to a nearby, a small and local natural reserve park, with my daughter and we met a man washing this plants in the running water there. The plants grows everywhere near clean water, he said.

This plants apparently contains 5 times the amount of Kalium, 155 times of Calcium and 3 times of Magnesium that you would find in ordinary green vegetables, such as spinach.   Here the plants are best picked during April to May.

You can boil them or fry them with a little oil just as you would fry ordinary vegetables.   

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