Vinegar helps us to fight fatique, beef supplies minerals and iron, while cucumber and radish are sources of vitamins. So here it is....

My favorite recipe in summer for fatique is Beef Radish With Sesame Dressing (147 kcal, serve 4).
What you need:
cucumber and radish slice thin (see photos or you can do alternative cut as you like)
150 gram of thinly sliced beef -> dip the fresh meat in a mixture of 1tsp soy sauce+ 2 tsp sake +1 tsp sugar and leave it for a few minutes

white radish (see photos, or alternative radish if the same one is not available)
To make sesame dressing:
a mixture of 4 tbsp grated white sesame + 2 tbsp of rice/apple vinegar + 2 tbsp of soy sauce + 2 tsp of sugar + 2 tbsp of cooked soup stock (chicken/fish/beef as you prefer)
What needs cooking:
You need to stir fry the beef using a little bit of oil (i used sesame oil but alternative oil is OK)
Put all the ingredients in a big bowl for salad.
* Check Measurement: 1 tsp = 5 ml, 1 tbsp =15 ml
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