Saturday, 18 July 2009

Top Five Most Expensive & Rare Fruits

What are the top five most expensive fruits in Japan? ... well, here are some facts from walking around Tokyo. Check it out! (92.5 Yen = 1 USD as per today)

1. A home grown Musk Melon at 26,250Yen! ( = USD 283 each)

2. Mango named as Taiyo no Tamago (The Egg of the Sun), claimed to be the Tropical Fruit of Miyazaki Prefecture, sold at 15,750 Yen (= USD 170) each.

3. A 19 cm width cube-shape watermelon - especially grown with the latest patented technique in Kagawa Prefecture. This fruit has brought international attention and is now exported to some cities in South East Asia and Canada, priced at 15,000 Yen locally ( USD 162)

4. A box of red cherry (branded Sato Nishiki) containing 40 pcs, at 11,800 Yen (= USD 127 a box or USD 3 each bite)

5. Papaya - only the size of an adult fist, grown in Japan, branded National Papaya, at 2,625 Yen (= USD 28 each)

You may be disappointed to know that I have not bought any of those fruits for my own consumption, BUT have done so for "ochugen" instead. The same way i think with most Japanese who purchase these rare and expensive fruits, they usually buy it for gifts more than for their own consumption.

A Healthier Version of Pie?

Take a look at some new variation of fruit and flower pies.... yummy! considering the amount of fruits used for toppings, these pies may actually contain a lot more vitamins than the ordinary type of pie. Want a try make one at home?!

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Just 4 Fun

I thought this one is funny as i sometimes pray to God and asking Him for a healthy mind and body ... hm, now it makes me think. Maybe i should not pray, instead i should love more ... love this mind and body that God has given me to be in charge of in the first place.
Just be careful when you picked the so called "healthy food".. in case it may have a dark side!
Now this one (below) also sounds familiar ... :D

Monday, 13 July 2009

Corn In Summer

Summer calls for corn harvest. Corn, containing high level of vitamin A, C, calcium, iron and niacin, makes a nice dish in summer. You can steam or simply grill them when you do a barbecue. My favorite (& my daughter's too) is to make corn soup and hamburger with corn.

Ingredients for soup:

1 yellow corn - steamed first or microwave for 3 minutes, then peel the corns using knife
100 gram of onion (finely chopped) - fried with salad oil/butter until yellowish
50 gram of steamed rice
500 cc milk
50 ml plain yogurt
1 tsp salt and pepper

1. Put the above ingredients in a mixer and blend well.
2. If you like the soup hot, put the mixture in a pot and reheat. If you like it cold, put them in the fridge for 30 minutes. Serve with chopped parsley.

Note that fresh corns has higher level of nutrients than canned corns. It may take a little bit more effort but you get to benefit more from fresh ingredients.

For hamburger, please make hamburger as you would as usual, only this time put some corns in the hamburger mixture.

Do you know that corn helps to improve blood circulation therefore reduce swelling? Swelling is more common in winter, but nowadays even in summer where we spend most days in a fully air conditioned room and drink a lot more of water, in combination with lack of exercise we (esp. women) may experience swellings on legs and face.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Why Fermented Products Increases Immunity System

Do you know that relaxation and immunity are related?Those interested in a 2006 research paper about how they are related and how to increase immunity system through relaxation, please click below (for those with little time to read, go right to the Conclusion of the research paper):

To be brief, our immunity system is very much affected by the way we conduct our day to day life, including how we manage stress and anxiety. They both can affect our immunity system. I remember very well that before i fell ill, i usually had high level of stress the week before.

So, how can human beings avoid stress? No matter how peaceful our life is, some problems, big or small, can create various level of stress. A scientific research here showed that there is a natural relaxant amino acid, GABA, that can work effectively within 1 hour to diminish stress, worry, anxiety and therefore, indirectly its intake can improve immunity system.

GABA is found in fermented products, such as nato, miso, tempeh, pickled vegetables, yoghurt, and many others. Now, i know what i am going to eat for breakfast tomorrow! :D

Note: GABA stands for gamma-aminobutyric acid

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Five Types of Fruit A Day

Since today, July 1st, is noted by the European society as the Fruit Day, i thought it is appropriate to talk about fruits. Fresh fruits contain lots of vitamins as we all know.

Needless to say that to stay healthy we need to consume various types of fruit and vegetables. Those who are not vegetable lovers, may prefer taking "five types of fruit a day!" to eating a combination of five fruits/vegetables a day. Not quite easy in practice ..... actually.

For more about fruit check out:

In Japan every summer around this time we enjoy fruits such as:
1. Cherry
2. Peach
3. Plum
4. Nectarine
5. and coming soon.... Grapes of many colors and sizes.

Some facts:
! Do you know that in most cases it is healthier to eat fruits without peeling because the peel has lots of vitamin? Just be careful when you eat fruits grown with unregulated use of pesticide.

! ! Fruits with many seeds have anti ageing benefits. Five types of fruits a day and pick each of different color. Also choose seasonal fruits because they are more fresh and therefore have the highest content of nutritions.

! Fruits are best eaten in the morning at breakfast and lunch, moderately at dinner time for most effective absorption of vitamins.

Finally, for some funny facts: