Thursday, 9 July 2009

Why Fermented Products Increases Immunity System

Do you know that relaxation and immunity are related?Those interested in a 2006 research paper about how they are related and how to increase immunity system through relaxation, please click below (for those with little time to read, go right to the Conclusion of the research paper):

To be brief, our immunity system is very much affected by the way we conduct our day to day life, including how we manage stress and anxiety. They both can affect our immunity system. I remember very well that before i fell ill, i usually had high level of stress the week before.

So, how can human beings avoid stress? No matter how peaceful our life is, some problems, big or small, can create various level of stress. A scientific research here showed that there is a natural relaxant amino acid, GABA, that can work effectively within 1 hour to diminish stress, worry, anxiety and therefore, indirectly its intake can improve immunity system.

GABA is found in fermented products, such as nato, miso, tempeh, pickled vegetables, yoghurt, and many others. Now, i know what i am going to eat for breakfast tomorrow! :D

Note: GABA stands for gamma-aminobutyric acid

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