Saturday 7 March 2009

Rainbow Colors - Source of Vitamins

We already know that red, yellow and green pepper are good sources of vitamins, especially C.   Here is my favorite ways of presenting the rainbow colors of vitamins on the table.

1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
1 orange pepper
1 green pepper

3 tablespoon of soup (fish broth/chicken broth)
1 1/2tablespoon of soy sauce
1 teaspoon (1tsp = 5ml) of mirin

How to make:
1. Grill all colorful pepper until their skin turn dark all over.    
2. Put them into cold water so that it is easier for you to peel the skin
3. After peeling the skin, cut into smaller edible sizes and arrange them into a bowl
4. Prepare the sauce and pour it into the bowl (make sure the bowl can stand heat!)
5. Steam the bowl filled with colorful peppers with the sauce for 10 minutes.

If you get fresh and sweet ones, you need not add sugar, otherwise, you may like to add a little sugar for sweeter taste.   I hope this colorful side dish add a vibrant color to your menu!

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