Friday 7 May 2010

Gourmet @Yufuin, Oita Pref.

Healthy roll cakes made of soy bean powder, with green tea cream fillings, or black bean cream fillings ... yummy!

Freshly "hot springs" boiled chicken eggs ... not for me though...

For lunch, vegetable lover likes to order the "dango-jiru", a miso & chicken & pork based soup containing more than six types of vegetables, from daikon radish, carrot, burdock, konyaku jelly, shitake mushrooms, radish green leaves, potatoes.... etc.

For kids, wild chicken meat cooked in sweet soy sauce with daikon radish and beansprouts

For me... sashimi (raw fish), @Satou Restaurant in Yufuin you get to eat fresh ones .... unfortunately, not shown in these pictures, since we are all familiar with sashimi :)

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