I was surprised to find out that in the past few years over 40% of Beaujolais Nouveau wines have been exported to Japan. Although the news said that its consumption overseas shows a sign of decline, here in Japan, Beaujolais Nouveau remains popular and the third Thursday of November calls for celebration in major bars and restaurants.
Monday, 9 November 2009
Japanese and Beaujolais Nouveau
I was surprised to find out that in the past few years over 40% of Beaujolais Nouveau wines have been exported to Japan. Although the news said that its consumption overseas shows a sign of decline, here in Japan, Beaujolais Nouveau remains popular and the third Thursday of November calls for celebration in major bars and restaurants.
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Maitake Soup
Maitake has become the topic of health news here in Japan for the scientist found that its consumption can increase immunity system. So those of you feeling tired or having an early symptoms of cold, try this very easy 10 minutes recipe:
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Another Super Nut - Chestnut
My favorite snack in autumn is chestnut. The easiest way to cook it is to boil, however if i go to China town, they are usually cooked on a big wok using charcoal. Compared to other fruits, a 100 gram of chestnut contains more vitamin B, 4 times the vitamin C in apple, calcium, kalium and zinc, which are important minerals to our body. So don't miss it this season - go for chestnut :)
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Autumn Calls For Mushrooms
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
DHA & EPA From Mackerel
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Super Easy - Nice To Have In The Fridge
Super Food Is Walnuts
Just by consuming 7 walnuts a day (best to choose walnuts with shells on for freshness), it will provide you with enough Omega 3 fatty acid that is important for your body and help you to achieve the following benefits:
Reduce risk of having a heart attack/heart disease
Lower your LDL (Bad) Cholesterol Lowered
Lower CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Lowered —CRP was recently recognized as the key independent indicator/predictor of heart disease.
Lower your blood pressure
Improve your brain function — because Omega 3s support healthy brain function, by maximizing the brain cell’s ability to usher in nutrients while eliminating wastes which is important to healthy cognitive function and brain health.
Antioxidant/Anti-Cancer—Walnuts contain Ellagic Acid. Ellagic Acid protects healthy cells from free radical harm, detoxifies cancer-causing substances and prevents cancer cells from replicating.
For more info on walnuts please also check this article: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=99
Sunday, 27 September 2009
A Purple Soup/Paste?
Only In Japan
Thursday, 17 September 2009
DANGER! Oil That Can Lower Your Cholesterol
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Alternative Snacks For Kids
Home Made Pizza
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Which Dish Is Upside Down?
Friday, 4 September 2009
Indonesian Food At Home
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Multi-country Dish
A Five Minute Dish
Energy Breakfast - Try!
Cold Breakfast In Summer
Friday, 21 August 2009
Pork Menu - Non Oil
A Lunch Set @ Chinese Restaurant
Nowadays Japanese consumers are picky and demanding when it comes to eating out. Compared to 10 years ago, now we can find many restaurant with good quality but reasonable price. One of my favorite Chinese restaurant here is Tonshinju, a chain restaurant which has been successfully expanded its market throughout Tokyo this past few years.
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Fish Dish For Lunch & Dinner
Friday, 7 August 2009
Theme: Easy Red and Green (continued)
Theme: Easy Red and Green
Theme: Spicy and Less Oil
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Today's Cooking - Theme: 10 Vegetables
Top middle: fresh from the garden cucumbers, white radish (daikon), carrots and cabbage in salt and fish powder, pickled for an hour
Bottom left: potatoes and chicken cooked in soy sauce and sugar
Top right: Sweet pork ribs with parsely fresh from the garden
Bottom center: freshly picked young okra and tomatoes, served with bonito flakes and soy sauce
Bottom right: hand made bread naturally fermented yeast made from rice (I did not make the culture, but bought it at the store).
Thoughts from today's menu: I like keeping my own little garden of mini tomato, parsely and cucumbers because most of these vegetables are best eaten raw and fresh. They are not so difficult to grow as long as you have good soil, enough sunshine and a little patient with harvesting.
For those interested in any of the recipes above, please feel free to contact me. Otherwise, enjoy the photos! More coming soon! :)