Sunday, 18 January 2009

Yam Soup

Serve 2 people, 40kcal each

Chinese yam (can't be replaced with taro yam) 200gr
Soup stock (chicken or fish stock according to taste) 1.5 cup
Vinegar 1 tsp 
Salt - according to taste
Soy sauce 1 tsp
Dried seaweed (for topping)

How to make:
1. After peeling the yam, dip it in the water for 10 minutes, then wash away the slimy bits in running water.   Wipe it dry.
2. Grind the chinese yam until it forms a paste 
3. Prepare soup stock and put salt, soy sauce accordingly, then bring the mixture to boil 
4. Then pour the yam mixture a little by little to the soup while continue to stir


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sounds good, especially since it improves protein absorption which I need to gain muscle weight
