There is a study here that showed banana has a cooling effect, whereas cocoa and ginger has a warm effect on our body. So here is an easy to remember recipe for hot and cold days. For those with milk allergy, replace milk with soy milk.
Note also that drinking too much milk a day is not recommended for adults, since it will lower the absorption of calcium in our body. Milk contains a lot of calcium which can easily absorbed by our body. However, at the same time being easily absorbed in our body, the system recognizes the high level of calcium as an alert mechanism to get rid of calcium already maintained in the blood. As a result, too much milk consumption can actually cause calcium defficieny such as oesteophorosis.
"... there is a higher percentage of oesteophorosis incidence among women who drink more than 1 cup of milk a day than among those who do not consume milk at all..."
"... here in Japan calcium intake for adult is recommended through eating fish, seaweed, soy beans (milk)..."

Yoghurt Banana Juice
Banana 1/2 (50gr)
Plain yoghurt 2 tbsp
Milk 1/2 cup
Serve 1 person (131kcal, salt 0.1g)
Just put all ingredients in a mixer
Mashmallow Cocoa
Milk 3/4 cup (hot milk)
Cocoa powder 3 tbsp
Serve 1 person (185 kcal, salt 0.2gr)
Make a cup of cocoa milk (by heating the milk first) as usual and then put marshmallows on the top. Adjust with sugar if necessary (extra calories).

Ginger Honey
Grated ginger (or just take the juice) 1tbsp (or adjust for taste)
Honey 1tbsp
Hot water water (1 cup)
Serve 1 person (130 kcal, salt 0.1gr)
Mix them well
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