Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Tofu, Natto & Chinese Chive

Serve 1 person

1/4 of block tofu (hard type)
1 small pack of natto
40 gr of Chinese chive
1/4 Advocado 
Warm rice (freshly cooked)

2 tsp of soy sauce
1 tsp of white sesame
1 tsp of mirin

Alternative of mirin is a mixture of sake + sugar, where you heat the mixture to get rid of alcohol in sake.   Mirin has somewhat more flavor than the mix of sake and sugar, simply because the sugar in mirin is produced naturally during the making of mirin.

How to make:

1. Drain water in tofu by putting the tofu on a strainer and lay a bowl on the top.

2. Boil the chinese chives for a 1-2 minutes, when it changes color, take it out and rinse it with cold water.

3. Slice the advocado and tofu into 5mm cubes

4. Prepare natto by stirring the natto well using a chopsticks or fork.   Natto actually tastes better after stirring as it becomes more sticky.  This sticky substance contain a lot of amino acid, which is good for our taste bud and our health

5. Mix the sauce with the other ingredients. 

6. Pour the mixture of a warm rice ready to eat.

If you have dry "ready to eat" seaweed (=nori) you can cut it into thin slices and use it as toppings.

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