Thursday, 26 February 2009

Why Miso is Good For Health

Miso and soy sauce are indispensable flavoring elements in Japanese cooking. Nowadays, miso and soy sauce are used widely in various dishes not only Japanese, but also modern diet, such as in macrobiotics and other international dishes.

Miso is made of fermented soy beans and salt and some miso also contains fermented rice and/or wheats.   Nutrition contents per 100 gram of miso:
0.12 mg of vitamin B1
1.1. mg of vitamin E
130 mg of Calcium
440 mg of Kalium
4.3 mg of Iron
a good source of protein, amino acid, fibres and minerals.

Being a fermented food, miso has many health benefits, such as its effect on moderating cholesterol level, prevent cancer, improve digestion, anti ageing and positive effect on brain cell development.   Soy beans itself is known to contain flabonoid - which has a positive effect on the production of female hormones.

At home i use a lot of miso in cooking.  For example at every meal i always have miso soup and because i cook a lot of fish, miso is an easy to use flavor for seafood.

Miso soup is very easy to make.     All you need is a pot of broth (fish/chicken/pork), some vegetables or tofu or seaweed or any combination and miso paste.   My favorite miso soup in winter is made of tofu, seaweed and spring onions (negi/welsh onions).

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