Saturday 14 February 2009

Chocolate Ramen (Valentine Day Special)

Serve 1 person (850 kcal)


2 cups soup (chicken stock or pork stock)

1 tbsp miso paste

1 tbsp sake

1 whole onion (grind finely)

1 tsp oyster sauce

1 tsp to-ban-jan (chilli paste used in Chinese cooking or chilli oil)

1 tbsp grind sesame (black preferred)

1 tbsp grated chocolate (milk chocolate preferred)

1 pcs of block chocolate (milk chocolate preferred)

green vegetables (any vegetable you like)

½ banana

A little salt and vinegar (adjust according to taste)

How to make:

  1. Prepare soup stock. Grind onion and boil together with the soup stock. When the onions change color, take out the onions, leaving the soup clear.

  2. Put in sake, miso soup, oyster sauce, chilli paste and mix them well. Adjust taste with salt & vinegar

  3. Boil noodles & vegetables separately. Once boiled, drain the water using strainer.

  4. Slice banana thin and prepare chocolate toppings

  5. Put the soup into a bowl, then put in boiled noodles. Decorate with vegetable, banana and chocolate toppings. Last, sprinkle with grind sesame for rich flavor.

Please read these 4 items before cooking/eating:

  1. Remember that someone has spent so much time and effort to prepare this dish

  2. What others like to eat may not necessary be the same as what you like.

  3. It is a new experience and a good stimulation for your taste bud.

  4. This is the only extraordinary recipe you will find in my blog, the rest are normal.

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