Tuesday 10 February 2009

Sesame 4 Breakfast

Black and white sesame are good source of vitamin E and they also contains an important substance, that works to prevent ageing.   A few years ago when the announcement of its health benefit was made on TV in Japan, there was a rush buying of sesame that cause a sudden increase of demand and thus price in sesame.   

( Maybe, we should keep this recipe a secret ... ssshhh!! :-X )

How much do you need to take a day?  For adult 10-20gr (1-2tablespoon) of sesame is enough supplement for the day.   This is not easy to do if you only take sesame in meals, therefore i recommend an easy to eat "sesame at breakfast"

What you need:
1 cup of yoghurt ( i prefer plain )
10-20 gr of sesame (black or white, i prefer black)
1 tbsp of honey (alternatively you can put jam/any other sweet syrup)

How to make:
1. Grind your sesame so it becomes powdery - this is important because apparently the goodness of sesame can be easily digested in the stomach when it is a fine powdery type not when it remains as seeds.

2. Pour it onto your favorite yoghurt

3. Put some toppings, such as honey, fruits or others

You can have it as an extra dish for breakfast every day.    

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