Saturday 14 February 2009

Health Secret of Cocoa

We know that wine contains polyphenol, which is good for our body.   Apparently so is cocoa, we know it as "cocoa polyphenol".   Click here for more explanation about polyphenol & its varieties (

100 gram of pure cocoa (analysis based on cocoa from Ecuador) contains 3.98 gram of cocoa polyphenol.   Cocoa polyphenol is known to have an antioxidant benefit that works to strengthen arteries (prevent arteriosclerosis) and as an antioxidant it also works positively to prevent cancer, high blood sugar level and ageing.

Like any other food, just because it is said to have health benefits, we must try not to over consume or it will have drawbacks on our body.  Recent research also showed that polyphenol can bring positive benefits only if consumed correctly.   For example tea polyphenol is found to have drawbacks when consumed at large dosage.

Please note:
This may be a good news for chocolate lovers, however, chocolate is made of other things than cccoa, sugar, oil, solid milk and flavors.   

The health benefits are found in cocoa polyphenol specifically, not in chocolate.   It is wise to check the content of cocoa in chocolates before consumption.

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