Saturday 7 February 2009

What Do You Know About Welsh Onions?

In the old days welsh onions, or in Japan we call it "negi", is used as a medicine to treat sick people and some people even believed that negi can bring the dead alive - the last one might be a wrong belief.    

The use of negi as medicine is not only well known in Japan but also in China - for herbal medicine.  

Nowadays scientific research has shown that "negi/welsh onions"  has the following health benefits:

*boost absorption of vitamin B1, therefore helps body to restore strength 
*proven to work for better blood circulation, make body feeling warmer
*also help to boost appetite and improve energy when you suffer from summer lethargy (heat exhaustion)

When you cook "welsh onions" or use it raw in Chinese/Japanese dish, do not throw the green part.   The green leafy part of welsh onions contain a lot of vitamin C, beta-carothene and calcium which are, needless to elaborate, very good for our body.

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